Thursday, July 5, 2007

my pets

My mom helped me put these pictures of two of my pets here. I took the picture of my dog Ozzy.
Mom took the picture of Trevor in my hand.


Anonymous said...

Oooohhhh cute! I didn't realize your frog/toad (what's the difference?) was so little! Why would your mom be grossed out by such a cute little fella?

Your dog is precious, too.

Thanks for sharing the photos!

* said...

Hi Treats,
The difference between a frog and a toad is that toads have poison glands they shoot out if they get attacked. Toads are bumpy and frogs are smooth. Toads can live aways from water, and most frogs can't. My mom hasn't been too big of a wus. But she doesn't like when I take him out of the cage. he tries to get away.


Anonymous said...

Trevor is TINY! Does he fit in your nose?

-Uncle B

Anonymous said...

your dog looks funny, but cute ^ ^

Schroeder said...

Where's Riley?