Thursday, July 12, 2007

our explore

Today my sister and I went to pick up polution - we picked it up because there was sooooo much of it by this one pond - it was so beautiful and soooo sad. The people that lived in the houses by this pond are so rich they could probably even pay people to pick up their garbage, but they didn't. All around the pond there was foam, plastic, juice pouches and milk bottles, We found a dead snake, and we are almost positive that it did not die from natural causes. It lookes like it ate something and had something stuck in it's stomach -plus we found it in a place where there was lots of pollution. It was sad. My mom found it, but I was the only one brave enough to pick it up.But we brought home two, tiny souvenirs - two tiny red beetles. They are so neat - they look like the bugs in cartoons, kind of like two,tiny sheild bugs. I put them in Trever's house, since we had to let Trever go. (But I took out the water and put in sand, rocks and leaves). They are climbing on the ceiling of their new house. We think they eat milkweed because that is the only plant we found them on. We also have some monarch caterpillars in a jar.


Melanie said...

I think it's great that you and Kooka were cleaning up the pond. It is sad that the people who live by the pond can't clean it up for themselves. Don't you think they would rather look out their windows at a beautiful pond withOUT garbage?

Good Job!
p.s. too bad about the snake!

Schroeder said...

Do you still have the caterpillars? If so maybe they'll go into cacoons soon.