Sunday, August 5, 2007

my new pet

One time last night I found a toad on a road. He was kinda puny. I was dropping my friend off from the movies, and friend gave me a jar and I put him in there Then when we were driving home I found a bigger one on the road, so my mom stopped the car - she said it was OK, so I got out of the car and I picked him up and put him in the jar.

A while after that we named him Pickles, because me and my friend Meg once found a toad and we named him Pickles, but we lost him, so I decided to name this one Pickles too. I let the little one go so he wouldn't get eaten.

You should come see him. He is bigger than Trevor.


Jamie Willow said...

you should post a picture of you and pickles...he sounds like a fun frog!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see him! Are you needing any grasshoppers yet? We have little ones, middle sized ones and huge ones! I saw a squished one in our street today...ugh. Who would do that?

Anonymous said...

I should have said that I saw a squished toad in our street today. Poor little guy.

Anonymous said...


I hate to break it to you, but it was probably us who squished that toad when we were pulling out of your driveway. It was dark, so maybe you didn't notice - but BIBLICAL proportions I say - it was a PLAGUE - there was no way NOT to squish them.

Anonymous said...

So sad....I guess since it was an accident we can forgive you. we'll scoop his little bones up tomorrow and give him a proper burial. Let me know of your order for crickets. I'll have them boxed and ready to go! No charge. Perhaps Punk would enjoy catching them with me?

Schroeder said...

He looks so cool!