Monday, August 27, 2007

camping trip

This weekend I went camping with my family. It was really fun because I got to be with all of my relatives - but the BEST part is that I got to see tons of animals - ginourmous grasshoppers, tons of snails, a slug, and a green sheild bug. I wanted to bring the sheild bug home but it died before I could bring it home. But the strangest creatures I saw on the whole trip were soooo freaky - they let off a gassy odor, and didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before . . . they were MY UNCLES . . . . ha ha ha ha ha. I'm laughing, but I'm not kidding about the odor part. (You should vote for one of them on the Weeping Uncles blog.)

Here are some pictures from our trip. One picture is of my Weeping Uncles, and the other picture is of me and my sister.


Schroeder said...

Good one Punk!

Anonymous said...

hey webmaster,
Any chance of changing the settings on "Weeping Uncles" so you can post anonymously like you can here?
It makes it much easier to post.

Uncle P

Punk said...

Yep - we changed Weeping Uncles - feel free to write whatever you want.